
Dear youngster! Would you like to create something new? Try open innovation!

We are looking for students especially from social sciences field. Research shows, their expertise combined with IT and engineering field can bring real innovation! Join us and be part of a project where you can work in mixed teams with companies.
Of course, students from other fields are very welcome as well.

  • Join REAL challenges in IT, business, design, communication, food industry and more
  • Work with us at a creative coworking space with teams like Miutcánk, Unibreeze, 5L, Hand-in-Scan and many other interesting people
  • Apply by attending our kick-off event 13 March 4PM or online, here

Demola Budapest is an open innovation platform, part of a global network. We are open for any young talents! We bring together students, universities, researchers, companies to create new innovative solutions.

We recruit youngsters and form multidisciplinary teams to solve real company challenges by co-creating solutions together.
Within 3-4 months we help our teams to go through our "/Ideate --> Create --> Validate"/ innovation cycle multiple times and learn during the process about teamwork, entrepreneurship, innovation, value creation and the field of the problem you are working on.

Good news is, student teams own their solution, and the company partner has the opportunity to buy it from you if you create real value.

Hope to meet you Wednesday at our open day, interesting people, further info, good coffee are guaranteed!

Apply to Demola projects according to your preference until 15 March 23.59!

Contact person: Berni,

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