- ELTE TTK HÖK/Students' Union
- Ösztöndíjak
- Diákjólét
- Átláthatóság
- Ügyintézés
- Külügy/Foreign Affairs
- Rendezvényeink
- Tudomány
- Kapcsolat
Not only the university but also the Students’ Union has a long tradition. The Union’s main duty is to represent Hungarian and international students at ELTE in different issues, such as study, allowance and remedy issues. As an international student, the student organization ESN ELTE will help you to get familiar with the Hungarian language and culture, the faculties, and the student life at ELTE. In principal questions concerning your studies or credits, you can turn to the Student’s Union for help who will give you a helping hand in every situation.
The Students’ Union has a two-tier structure: first the students elect directly the representatives from themselves, then the faculties delegate members from the representatives to the University Students’ Union (EHÖK). The University
Students’ Union coordinates the work of the Faculty Students’ Unions, represents students in the university government and in the National Students’ Union, and organizes the student community life. The Students’ Union is an autonomous organization, which elects the representatives in a democratic way and all in all the heart of the students fellowship.
The following people are the Students' Union office bearers:
Email: elnok()ttkhok.elte.hu // Call: 30/718-3307
The president leads the Students' Union, coordinates the officials’, coordinators work, and represents all students of the Faculty of Science. If an official could not help you or you experience a problem with their work, or simply if you feel, you need to discuss something with me, feel free to contact me.
Email: elnokhelyettes()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion.
As Vice President, my main task is to assist the president's activities, as well as to organize and coordinate the activities of the officials. In addition to this, I continuously monitor the work of the Board and the General Assembly, convene and chair official meetings. I also organize and coordinate further training for student representatives and officials involved in advocacy work, provide information to interested students about the advocacy work of the Students' Union, and help them get involved in it.
Email: gazdasagi()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // I've got a question!
My duties include the transparent and responsible planning of the student government’s spending and acquisition.
I was in charge of the management of parking requests, now it is managed via an application, which you can find following this url: https://ttkhok.elte.hu/parkolas-rend-valtozas
Email: tanulmanyi()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: 30/7523136 // I've got a question!
My job is to deal with all issues and problems that affect students' studies in general. My tasks also include faculty credit transfer, study-related fairness, subject admission, exam, re-enrollment, thesis, final exam, and credit overrun, as well as everything else that is related to students' studies. In connection with this, I cooperate closely with the Eötvös Loránd University Office of Studies and the EHÖK Vice-President for Studies. It is also my duty to ensure that students can pursue their interests anonymously, if possible. In addition to the previously mentioned tasks, I participate in advocacy tasks in general, in committees and councils concerning faculty study matters, as well as in the work of the EHÖK Study Committee.
Email: tudbiz()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: +36705329073
Hi, I'm Patrik, I am the Academic and Cultural Commissioner of our Student's Union. My job is to keep you updated about the scientific and cultural programs and events of our Faculty, and to help you with any Scientific Students' Associations related questions. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Email: kommunikacio()ttkhok.elte.hu // Call: -
My job is to manage the online and offline platforms, and I'm also in charge of the Facebook and Instagram page. I also manage the notice boards on the Campus. Feel free to contact me if you would like to advertise something.
Email: rendbiz()ttkhok.elte.hu // Call: 70/366-8924
Hey, my job is to organize programs for the Faculty, and also to cooperate with the EHÖK. If you have any program ideas, feel free to send me an e-mail.
Email: esely()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: +36703527207
As a member of the Student Council of the Natural Sciences Department, I ensure equality among students,
take care of housing issues and make certain of the well-being of disabled people on campus.
Should you have any questions or issues, contact me!
Email: osztondij()ttkhok.elte.hu // I've got a question!
My duty is to inform students about the newest scholarship options, and help them if they have any issues with it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Email: osztondij()tthok.elte.hu
My job is to keep in touch with the students who need help, solve the problems together and also recruiting and coordinating the grant-reviewer's work.
Email: kulugy()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: +36302435312
As commissioner for foreign affairs I'm responsible for informing students involved in mobility programs and also spreading information about foreign affair scholarships. I also am involved in the school's mentoring program for international students (MIS).
Email: kulkoordinator()ttkhok.elte.hu // Call: -
My job is to help foreign students during their studies, also to solve problems around the campus, especially if it's because of the language difference. If you have any ideas on how we can make the campus "foreign-student-friendlier'' or simply have a question about mobility programs, please feel free to send me an e-mail.
Email: foszerkeszto()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: 20/392-7939
I am the editor-in-chief of the Student Union of the Faculty of Science. My job is to coordinate our newspaper, the so-called TéTéKás Nyúz, and schedule the tasks of the editorial team. Look for the TéTéKás Nyúz in the Campus buildings and online at nyuz.elte.hu. Have fun reading!
Email: mentorkord()ttkhok.elte.hu // Call: 06703623960
As a mentor coordinator, my task is to train and organize the work of the domestic mentors. Those applying to become mentors will gain a comprehensive understanding of how the university operates, while also developing their problem-solving and community-building skills during the training.
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out to me!
Email: bioszk()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: 06308897197 // I've got a question!
As the Coordinator for the Biology and Environmental Science department my most important job is advocating for the students studying in these departments, on every platform and in all forums, as well as the planning student social events.
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out using one of the means listed above.
Email: fizikaszk()ttkhok.elte.hu // Call: 20/404-1449 // I've got a question!
As the Physics Field Coordinator, my most important duty is to represent the field's students in the Students' Union. Continuous communication is essential for providing the students with up-to-date information. Besides representation, I think it is my job to help build a community with my fellow students. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email or in person!
Email: foldtudszk()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // I've got a question!
As the coordinator of this field, my duty is to bring together the two parts of our specialty, and to help other students with their questions with university stuff. I am in charge of organizing programs, to communicate with the teachers, to solve problems and to represent the students in the Student's Union. My goal is to have a coordinated field, and to have you the very best experience through these years.
Email: kemiaszk()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: 30/556-1060 // I've got a question!
As an elected coordination of the Science Faculty's Students' my main tasks are not only to provide information and consultation, coordinate our delegates and mentors, but also to bring our students and teachers close to each other, make our public life colorful, and generally to tackle all upcoming issues. May you have any questions to ask, problems to solve, comments to make or ideas to tell, feel free to contact me via email or in person.
Email: matekszk()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // I've got a question!
My role is to inform all mathematics students about everything that connects to our education and our university life, the advocacy of mathematics students on every platform, and help organize programs. If you have any question feel free to contact me.
Email: tanarszk()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: 30/734-5287
As a coordinator my duty is to represent the teacher trainees’ interests in the Students’ Union and in other forums. Besides advocacy, it is also my responsibility to provide the information I receive for our students. To organize events and coordinate our student life and affairs with the help of the Teacher Trainee Working Group. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact me.
Email: eb()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion.
Our job is to check that the Student Union is operating in accordance with all the regulations. If you find any irregularities or need help in interpreting the rules, please feel free to contact us either in person or via e-mail!
Email: eb()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion.
Our job is to check that the Student Union is operating in accordance with all the regulations. If you find any irregularities or need help in interpreting the rules, please feel free to contact us either in person or via e-mail!
Email: eb()ttkhok.elte.hu
Our job is to check that the Student Union is operating in accordance with all the regulations. If you find any irregularities or need help in interpreting the rules, please feel free to contact us either in person or via e-mail!
Email: jegyzokonyv()ttkhok.elte.hu
This office is vacant right now. If you are interested, you may contact the President of the Stundents' Union. Contact information is available here.
Email: elnok()alapitvany.elte.hu
Email: titkar()alapitvany.elte.hu
Email: elnokiref()ttkhok.elte.hu // Call: 30/835-8277
My responsibilities are management, support of members of the Student's Union officers and organizational development.
Email: informatikus()ttkhok.elte.hu // Consulting hours: Up to discussion. // Call: 30/883-8795
My resposibility as IT administrator is the maintanance and improvement of the IT infrastructure of the students’ union and the request of official mail addresses and webpages. You can turn to me if you need help with the students’ union IT infrastructure or you need a webpage under the „elte.hu” domain. I am not responsible for any Neptun related issues.